Saturday, August 15, 2009


I work out at a gym 3 times a week, i hour each time. I enjoy it. But the other day I began to wonder why I need to go. Put another way: What am I doing, or not doing,the remaining 165 hours each week that puts me sufficiently out of shape to need a gym?

Am I jumping in the car too quickly rather than taking a brisk 1/2 mile walk to the store?

Am I getting younger, stronger members of the family to do the heavy lifting?

Do I use the elevator rather than doing some cardio training by climbing some stairs, even when it's only 2 or 3 flights?

Do I not rake the lawn anymore because "Raking is not my favorite thing to do"?

Do I sit sedentary for too long rather than biking, bowling, playing tennis, swimming, chopping wood and dozens of other things that would help me stay in shape?

Aside from the money it costs to go to a gym (this post is not about money), aside from the time it takes (equivalent, when travel time is included, to about one full month of 8-hour days each year), what is most disturbing are the kinds of lazy, stagnant, lifestyles have we developed in modern times to make us need to artificially do some exercises to keep us fit? Did we not see the full price those lifestyles were exacting? Did caveman go to a gym? Don't think so. So why do I think he was, nevertheless, in better physical shape than most of us are today.

Certainly, if there is are a couple of muscles that need extra work or rehab, there might be a reason to visit a gym, temporarily. But otherwise, Mother Nature has her own built-in gym if you just look around and see it right. It's everywhere and we are already members...paid up lifetime members.

I'm switching gyms. I'm gonna tote that barge, lift that bale, heave ho and all that good stuff. give Ma Nature a big hug and kiss that old treadmill goodbye.

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