Tuesday, February 9, 2010


We are coming in America to living under the rule of man, the very state of affairs the Founders abhorred and rebelled against.

Who are these men and women who seek to rule us?

1. THE PRESIDENT. He campaigned on the idea of reshaping America in accordance with his own personal view of what America should be. And together with other Democrats proclaims the Constitution is out of date and inapplicable to modern times and issues. "Nobody argues that anymore", I have heard them claim, as they sweep away the foundation of all our laws and its intended restraints on the rule of man.

2. MEMBERS OF CONGRESS, PARTICULARLY HOUSE AND SENATE MAJORITY LEADERS. Simply put, with a majority in both houses of Congress, they believe they are free to pass any law they wish. Without the Constitution to restrain them, limiting them to specifically enumerated powers and protecting our individual freedom, they perceive no limit to what they can do.

3. CZARS. Appointed by the President, these hundreds of heads of government agencies implement rules and regulations on their own whim that govern almost all phases of our lives...stealing the authority to make laws from the legislative branch (Congress) and bringing it over to the executive branch, and destroying the protection against tyranny that the separation of powers doctrine gave us.

4. MEDIA. Media now tend to see themselves as influential promoters of particular ideologies, rather then reporters of news.

5. THE PUBLIC. Positions on current issues are often "supported" by polls that presume to show what the American public favors...as if our country is meant to be run by mob rule. Much of the public is buying into its new found power.

Schools grease the way for the disastrous movement we are witnessing away from the rule of law to the rule of man by teaching our youth that there are is no objective standard to determine ethical and political rights and wrongs. That leaves our country in the hands of, and at the mercy of, the Tyrannical 5 above.

The Founders knew better. They knew that our divine rights are to be found in our nature...and it is that fact which makes them unalienable by man. Every bit of governmental oppression in history has come about under the rule of man. The Founders gave us a treasured gift of a lifetime. Are we to let it be stolen from us?

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