At the Tea Party convention in Nashville, Sarah Palin said that "we ought not be afraid to return to our heritage as a God-fearing country, and to seek divine intervention to help make us safe, secure and prosperous". "(When I was younger and believed in God, I was forever bothered by the expression "God-fearing", since the debilitating feeling of fear was never an emotion I felt toward the God that I loved. Quite the contrary!)
So it's our God against their God, is it? That would be taking us way back in time, to the dark ages and beyond, when many believed that the Gods raged against each other for supremacy of the heavens and of mankind. Those who wage war against us, Ms. Palin, have sought intervention from their God and he is apparently directing them to destroy progress and civilization, to kill innocent people en masse, to fight to the end, and to die, in exchange for heavenly rewards.
That is where we are today, Ms. Palin, and we are not winning. You are right that we must return to something. But what sparked this nation into being was not a fear of God, or a love of God, but three fundamental and historically revolutionary ideas:
* That each of us is a sovereign independent individual.
** That what governs man's life is a knowable natural law...that is,the nature of the human species and the nature of the world he lives in...and it is immutable.
*** That to secure his life, man needs but a very limited government.
Those are the ideas we ought return to, we need return to, if we are to be "safe, secure and prosperous". Those ideas propelled our Revolution, propelled America to greatness, and they will propel us to do what must be done to attain victory over those whose God directs them to destroy us and our ideals.
And not only should we not be afraid to return to that past, but history should embolden us to do so.
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