Sunday, February 21, 2010


America has a love affair with the middle of the road...moderation. Stay in the middle of the road and you are normal, healthy, one of the gang. But do whatever you are doing to a greater degree than what others generally do, be more intense, more passionate, and you will be chastised as being compulsive, obsessive, fanatic, eccentric, neurotic.

Throughout history, ironically, we have admired the iconoclasts who set their own standards. Religious figures, 0lympic athletes, inventors and explorers, are often said to devote 110% of their focus, time and energy to their chosen careers...and are honored, revered and admired. It is disheartening to me to see that middle of the road mediocrity, rather than total commitment and dedication, is being promoted as the ideal for the rest of us, and accepted by so many. The word "excessive" has become a dirty word. The bar has been socially lowered...nay, destroyed.

I do not know why the majority put down the ambitious and committed. I do not understand where words like overactive, overambitious, overenthusiastic, come from...other than from a mind that lacks self confidence, is envious of others people's efforts, and jealous of their success.

I do know this: the setting of any limits to man's capacities, his potentials, his dreams, whether in the name of normalcy or otherwise, is a diminution and denigration of life and the boundless promises of tomorrow. It should be seen as the obscene crime against humanity that it is...and those who commit it should be dealt with, excessively.

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