Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Years and years ago, a group of friends and friends of friends met at my home each week to have a roundtable discussion of some political, social, ethical issue. The issue one week was this: If you were in pressing financial need of funds and you saw some of my money or jewelry on a table, would you take it? Most said they would, with arguments like "You are doing well. you have more than you need, you won't miss it". I immediately told all those who would steal my property to leave and that they were no longer welcome in my home. Some thought I was overreacting.

Does the story sound familiar? It should, because that is precisely what the present Administration and their supporters are doing now: taking away my money without my consent, and using it as they see fit for themselves or for those they claim are in need. And it is not just my money they are stealing, but my life and my freedom to live it as I choose. And those rights the Constitution recognized and confirmed, what about them? "Hey," they say, "the Constitution is out of date, we will decide what rights you have or haven't". I guess "unalienable" meant aliens can't take them from you, but other Americans can.

So, here we go again. All of you who support the idea that my life, my property, my spirit, are yours to control to any extent, are not welcome in my home. I will treat you as I would any other criminal. Out and stay out! My friendship, my hospitality, my trust, are reserved for those who respect my freedom and my life.

I was right years ago, and I am right now. It's not a game we're playing.

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