Tuesday, April 27, 2010


There are about 200 countries in the world. Every one of them...whether socialist, fascist, communist, monarchy, dictatorship, religious...is based to one extent or the other on the premise that each individual life is indebted, obliged, duty-bound, mortgaged, to the needs, welfare and benefit of the collective, the group, the group's leader.

Except one. America was founded on the idea that each of us has an inalienable right to our own life, that we have an inalienable right to pursue OUR OWN HAPPINESS, that we are serfs of none, masters of none.

So, to all those who think America is based on the wrong premises, who would like to conform it to the other 200, I say this:

Pick out one of those other countries...England, France, Switzerland, China, India, Chile, Argentina, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera...pack up your political philosophies AND MOVE THERE. Is it too much to ask that we who know the Founders were enlightened have ONE country to live in? You can have the other 200...200!... and you ought be happy with that since you obviously do not see the connection between America's ideals and why your soul longs to live here.

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