Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Here is the key question, that answers many others...

Are you an independent individual, beholden to none, or are you a member of:

a community
a race
a religion
an ethnicity
a culture
a world society
a people
a public
a generation
a citizenry
a nation
a country
a clan
a family
a sect
a civilization

to which, or to other members of which, to some extent or other, you are beholden to act, think, speak, a certain prescribed, preferred way, without the power to choose to unbeholden yourself.

All political and ethical views and perspectives rest on the answer to that question, verbalized or not. More that anything else, the answer to that question sets the tone of your life and determines your character.

To be beholden or not to be beholden...that is the question.

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