Friday, January 28, 2011


Talking with a dear, dear friend yesterday, the question came up: Why do many people choose not to do much thinking? The thinkers are thought of today as nerds, geeks, eggheads, and worse.

After thinking of some of the popular reasons: takes too much effort, generates responsibility, sets unwanted standards of rights and wrongs, wastes time...I realized a better question is not why some of us don't do much thinking, but rather why some of us do.

And the answer to that is easy. What distinguishes man from the ants and all other living and nonliving things in the world, is our ability to think conceptually and rationally. Sorry, guys, that's it! Absent that ability, I am not sure this weak, slow moving, disease prone species would still be around. And more than be around...rule the world.

Pretty much, most everything people want, was created by a thinking mind. All civilizations were created by thinking minds. All beautiful works of art were created by thinking minds. All life enriching inventions were created by thinking minds.

So, if you want to experience the joy, the glory, the passion, of living as a human being, with all its infinite potential and rewards, think, think, think.
You're not an ant, are you?

And be a proud nerd.

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