The breakdown of the human species into races has varied significantly from Biblical times to the present and in different countries of the world. The concept of race unites groups of people based on physical characteristics, place of origin, cultural customs, etc.
The question arises: What is the race of an offspring of a mixed racial union who exhibits some characteristics of each parental race?
For example: iIs it appropriate to refer to the child of one black and one white parent as black? Remember, the offspring of a male donkey and a female horse is not a donkey or a horse but a mule.
Interracial marriages occur with increasing frequency, and it is time to establish new race classifications appropriate to modern times. Accepting today's popular delineation of four races...caucasian, black, asian, are my recommended new races:
BLACAUC...offspring of a black and a caucasian
INDCAUC...offspring of an indian and a caucasian
ASCAUC...offspring of an asian and a caucasian
INDBLAC...offspring of an indian and a black
ASBLAC...offspring of an asian and a black
INDIAS...offspring of an indian and anasian
BLACIND...offspring of a blacauc and an indauc
BLACAS...offspring of a blacauc and an ascauc
BLACBLAC...offspring of a blacauc and an indblac
CAUCBLAC...offspring of a blacauc and an asblac
BLIAS...offspring of a blacauc and an indias
ASIND..offspring of an indcauc and an ascauc
INDIND...offspring of an indcauc and an indblac
INDLAC...offspring of an indauc and an asblac
ININ...offspring of an indauc and an indias
CAUCLAC...offspring of an ascauc and an indblac
ASBAS...offspring of an ascauc and anasblac
CAUCDIAS...offspring of an ascauc and an indias
ASBLIND...offspring of an indblac and an asblac
IASBLAC...offspring of an indblac and an indias
ASDIAS...offspring of an asblac and an indias
There you have it...simple, clear, logical...finally!
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