Monday, June 1, 2009


I SUSPECT most television reality shows are not totally reality, but are manipulated by show producers, when deemed propitious, to increase the number of viewers and advertising revenues.

I SUSPECT the amount of self-esteem a person has directly correlates with the amount of courage he or she has.

I SUSPECT that most Americans still believe America is a democracy where majority rules, when that form of political system is nothing more than bullyish mob rule.

I SUSPECT that the price that has fallen the most during my lifetime is the price at which most people would sell their souls.

I SUSPECT nothing distinguishes people more than their love of, or lack of love of, mathematics.

I SUSPECT the human species will one day be extinct, made so by cataclysmic nuclear miscalculation.

I SUSPECT the reason why there is no reason logical reasoning is not taught in our public schools is that if there were a reason not to teach it, that would be the most powerful reason to teach it.

I SUSPECT some of us have died and don't know it, which is the way it is, after all.

I SUSPECY one day soon sex will have had its day and man's prime desire will be chocolate lattes topped with whipped cream.

I SUSPECT if there is another dimension to which we go after we die, it does not have automated phone calls.

I SUSPECT caveman had the best of it -- no jobs, no money cares or concerns, no shaving, no traffic, no alimony, lots of fresh air and sitting around bonfires, and the freedom to spend abundant time communimg with nature and contemplation.

I SUSPECT that spanking a child is one of the vilest human actions since it teaches a child that violence is an appropriate way to achieve goals, that prior proclamations of love are of little value, and it fails to teach the child what the child needs to know: why the actions that spurred the spanking were improper.

I SUSPECT that worrying about every little thing in your life ultimately gives you something important to worry about: your mental health.

I SUSPECT that many of us don't know what our lives are all about because they aren't.

I SUSPECT most people say both "I love you" and "Go to hell" far too quickly.

I SUSPECT that one day cats will evolutionarily come to realize how smart they are and rule the world, which they already do in some households.

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