Friday, October 8, 2010


The report is that 90,000 stimulus checks, millions of dollars, were erroneously sent to dead people and/or prison inmates. And if the Administration acknowledges 90,000, it is probably closer to 150,000.

Have you heard the President regret the error? Have you heard about anyone being called to task for this ridiculous error running in the tens of millions of dollars...your children will have to pay back? Remember: this was not a few names were on the list that shouldn't have been. This was almost 100,000 errors!

Why haven't you heard anything? Because the President doesn't think there is anything wrong with taking your money from you by government force and giving it to those less "fortunate" (as if your money came to you by the spin of a wheel rather than by sweat and toil)...and who are less fortunate than the dead? The President doesn't think there is anything wrong with redistributing our wealth as he sees fit. The President doesn't think America should be a leader in the world, first rate in power, standard of living, influence, prestige. The President doesn't think America deserves to be anything but a run-of-the-mill third rate country, like the countries from which so many illegals and murderers and child molesters come, in violation of our laws he chooses not to enforce. The President doesn't think...

Do you? The President is counting on you not seeing what he is doing, or not believing what you are seeing...he is counting on your being totally politically blind...HE IS COUNTING ON YOU NOT THINKING.

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