Hundreds of millions of barrels of oil pouring into the Gulf of Mexico. What will President Obama do? (Blame BP)
Ten Russian spies are caught in the U.S. What will the President do? (Send them home)
Our country is over 12 trillion dollars in debt. What will the President do? (Spend more)
Unemployment is over 15%. What will the President do? (Discourage hiring by raising taxes on businesses)
Iran is close to having a nuclear weapon. What will the President do? (Bow)
A new Supreme Court justice must be nominated. What will the President do? (Nominate someone who hasn't one day of experience as a judge)
A new commander is needed for our forces in the Middle East. What will the President do? (Appoint someone who thinks its fun to kill)
Arizona wants to protect itself from criminal illegals. What will the President do? (Sue to stop them)
Those are the easy questions. Now let's get to the hard one:
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