Tuesday, July 5, 2011


I like to walk. In the park. Quiet, empty, serene, beautiful.

Yesterday, one of the other few walkers had gathered a group of 5 other walkers and told me he had something to discuss. He wanted to form a walking club.

"It will be nicer walking as part of a group"

(Walking is walking, it'll be the same, but less private)

"We can call it 'The Sparta Walkers' or 'Drifters' or 'Nomads' and we can have t-shirts made up with our name on the front or the back, we can vote on that...and we can meet here every other day at 9 am...and of course invite other walking groups to join us"

(I don't always feel like walking at 9 and I wish I were a real nomad)

"I think dues of $15 a month will cover a group party on the last walking day of each month, unless it is already a holiday, in which case it will be the first walking day of the following month. As President for the first 6 months, I'll collect the money , cash or bank check only. Presidents can only serve for 4 consecutive terms unless by unanimous vote that rule is waived"

(I don't pay 15 cents to do what I do for free...and one President in my life is more than enough)

"Dogs can be brought along if on a string not longer than 50 feet"

(Goodbye serenity)

"It'll be great"

(Yesterday was Independence Day...but you'd never know it)

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